Celebrating Sexual Health Month: A Reflection and Impactful Collaboration

September marks Sexual Health Month—a crucial time to reflect on sexual well-being not only within our local communities but also on a national and global scale. With a significant rise in sexually transmitted infection (STI) incidence worldwide, public health strategies are evolving, placing a greater emphasis on treatment as prevention.

Shifting Focus: Treatment as Prevention Over Condoms

In the past, condoms played a central role in public health campaigns, especially during the height of the AIDS crisis. However, the landscape has changed. As STIs continue to surge, public health efforts are increasingly prioritizing treatment as a means of prevention.

Global STI Trends: A Concerning Reality

In 2021, the U.S. recorded a staggering 2.5 million STIs, with chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis infections witnessing alarming increases. Despite the effectiveness of condoms in preventing the spread of sexually communicable diseases, their usage has seen a steady decline.

The Importance of Awareness and Action

It's crucial to raise awareness about the changing landscape of sexual health. Understanding the evolving strategies in public health, we can collectively work towards fostering a culture of prevention, destigmatizing testing, and promoting open conversations about sexual health. Read more from Forbes here

Empowering Health Education in Collaboration with Artbae

At Smart Public Health Consulting, our mission is to increase health education and health literacy in underserved and underrepresented communities. We believe in proactive engagement, education, and collaboration. This September, we turned our mission into action by teaming up with Art Before Anything Else (Artbae), a local DC non-profit.

About Artbae: Artbae is an arts, entertainment, and education-based lifestyle brand with a passion for advocacy. Since 2018, they've been a vital part of the D.C. community, using art to heal, inspire, and provide hope. Recognizing the pressing need to address HIV in DC, Artbae launched the Intimate Encounters Art Showcase, sponsored by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

The Challenge: D.C. faces high HIV rates, which disproportionally impacts Black residents. Socioeconomic status is the leading barrier, affecting everything from sex education access to preventative care. Ward 8, with D.C.'s lowest average income, has the highest rates of HIV.

The Solution: Intimate Encounters Art Showcase: This groundbreaking event, sponsored by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, aimed to raise awareness about HIV and sexual health through education, onsite STI and HIV testing, and an exploration of art through the five senses. The event included engaging preliminary education workshops leading up to the main art showcase.

Our partnership allowed us to:

  • Pool resources: By joining forces, we were able to leverage each other's expertise and resources to create a more significant impact.

  • Host educational events: We organized workshops, webinars, and discussions aimed at promoting sexual health education and awareness among all age groups.

  • Foster inclusivity: Our joint efforts emphasized inclusivity, recognizing the unique challenges faced by different communities, and ensuring that no one is left behind.

  • Encourage dialogue: We encouraged open, non-judgmental conversations about sexual health and aging, breaking down stigmas and myths.

The Impact

The Intimate Encounters Art Showcase (IEAS) was more than an event; it was a vibrant intersection of art, education, and community. We're thrilled to share the highlights of this unforgettable experience!

Partnering with visionary organizations dedicated to public health, we transformed the event into a haven for health awareness. Onsite testing, sexual health workshops, and education were made possible through collaborations with the Latin American Youth Center( LAYC), US Helping US, DC Health’s HIV/AIDs, Hepatitis, STD, and TB Administration (HAHSTA), Howard University Stigma Project, Children's National Hospital HPTS Program, and The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF). Together, we aimed to break down barriers and empower participants to take charge of their sexual health.

Picture yourself painting your masterpiece, sipping wine, and immersing in sexual health education with Mario Gray, Training and Capacity Building Assistant Manager from US Helping US. In our preliminary session, co-hosted by Cary Michael Robinson, Artbae® LLC'S CEO, we crafted a unique space where art and education seamlessly intertwined.
The turnout exceeded our expectations! 190 participants joined us for the IEAS, and 41 engaged in the preliminary Sip and Paint workshop. The atmosphere buzzed with energy as attendees immersed themselves in several experiences: live body paintings, a captivating fashion show, culinary arts, live band performances, poetry, games, and more.
Amidst the entertainment extravaganza, we conducted HIV/STI testing for 13 participants during the event. Additionally, our onsite workshops and education by wellness vendors were a hit, with over 30 participants benefiting at the IEAS.

At SPHC, we're committed to providing our community with essential tools. Attendees enjoyed access to an array of resources, including free condoms, on-site testing, information on local free testing locations, sexual health resources, and a treasure trove of delightful goodies.
The event was a celebration of our vibrant community. Local artists and talents took center stage, showcasing the richness of cultural tapestry. The fusion of creativity, health advocacy, and community spirit was truly amazing.
During this event, Artbae and its art showcase vendors united to raise a total of $500 for the HU Stigma Project. The HU Stigma Project confronts the burden of HIV-related and other health-related stigma and discrimination. These issues often hinder individuals from seeking evaluation and treatment, disclosing their diagnosis to supportive networks, and adhering to treatment guidelines. Click here to learn more https://lnkd.in/eXaT3Sms.
Our hearts overflow with gratitude for our partners, sponsors, vendors, and each participant who contributed to making this event a resounding success. A special shout-out goes to Union Market Washington D.C.- Selena for hosting us in their stunning event space.

This collaboration isn't just about art; it's a commitment to community well-being. It should remind us that progress happens when we come together. It's about creating safe spaces, empowering individuals with knowledge, and supporting one another on our unique journeys.

We are excited about the ongoing journey of expanding our partnership with Artbae. Together, we aim to innovate and create impactful strategies for raising awareness about pressing public health challenges. Here's to continued growth and collaboration! Check out our LinkedIn for photos and more!


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